about sulphur

Sulphur in Indian Agriculture

Sulphur's importance in agricultural production has been well document and unfortunately, India's deficiencies are wide spread. This section of the website explores sulphur in India where TSI has been actively involved since the early 1980s.


Status of Indian Soils

Close to 70% of soil samples analyzed by the ICAR system, TSI-FAI-IFA project and other programs have been found to be either deficient or marginal in plant available sulphur. Click here to read more.

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Impact on Indian Agricultural Production

In view of the fact that now sulphur deficiencies are wide spread, their impact on agricultural production cannot be ignored. Any deficient nutrient will hold back the performance of all other nutrients even if they are not limiting. Click here to read more.

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Sulphur Fertilizers in India

Sulphur can be applied to the soil through any suitable product out of a number of sulphur-carriers, the choice depending on crop, local availability, price and need for other nutrients. Click here to read more.

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TSI Programs in India

TSI has been actively involved in the promotion of plant nutrient sulphur in India since the early 1980s. Click here to read more.

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Additional resources

State-wise sulphur scenarios