about sulphur

Sulphur in China



TSI / Chinese government project overcomes major obstacle to sulphur fertilizer use:

TSI conducted a three project with the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture utilizing research and development at 15 Chinese research institutes. Since 1997, The Sulphur Institute has supported this work and led the way to understand the benefits of sulphur in Chinese agriculture. Click here for more information.


Sulphur is a necessary nutrient to support plant, animal and human health. Think N-P-K-S when thinking of plant nutrients. Following nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, sulphur is next when it comes to fertilizer consideration. Sulphur combines with other nutrients to form amino acids, precursors to proteins and enzymes that lead to improved crop yield and quality. Click here for more information.


Chinese agriculture has advanced significantly over the last couple of decades. Crop yields have risen dramatically and farmers know a lot more about what is needed to produce a good crop. In recent years, China has become sufficient, or nearly so in nitrogen and phosphorus production, looks to imports to satisfy its potassium requirements and is now recognizing just how important sulphur as a fertilizer is.

Recent studies conducted by Chinese scientists have demonstrated dramatic yield and economic benefits with sulphur additions.  Consider rewards 9 RMB for every 1 RMB invested in sulphur fertilizers for grain crops…even higher for fruit crops. Click here for more information.


TSI conducted three-year project with the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture utilizing research and development at 15 Chinese research institutes. Since 1997, The Sulphur Institute has supported this work and led the way to understand the benefits of sulphur in Chinese agriculture. Click here for more information.